Building enterprises from the ground up.
Simple, robust processes.
We use participatory techniques, strengths-based approaches and market analysis to find the right enterprise-community ‘fit’. Our philosophy is not to advise on the best solution, but to guide and enable groups to actively plan their own business enterprises.
Our community-centred approach is flexible. We tailor projects to suit the local context, conservation objectives, community priorities and market conditions. We build on existing strengths and capabilities, rather than focusing on ‘gaps’. No matter what, we always empower people to seed and grow business ideas with the support they need on the journey to developing a successful and sustainable conservation enterprise.
Discovery + Ideation.
Deep-dive into the local context | Creative ideation processes with the community | Strengths-based assessment | Values inventory
Planning + Feasibility.
Commercial feasibility | Business + operational planning | Strategic positioning | Impact storytelling | Secure investment | Create partnerships
Concept Appraisal.
Stress-test business ideas | Challenge assumptions | Debunk myths | Early conversations with customers | Alignment with conservation goals
Getting Ready.
Product development + service design | Branding + digital presence | Incorporation + legal | Staffing | Standard operating procedures | Distribution | Accounting + banking
Design + Testing.
Value proposition canvas | Business model design | Design criteria | Riskiest assumptions | Rapid prototyping | Run simple experiments
Launch + Operate.
Business launch | Media + PR | Marketing, advertising + promotions | Product/service delivery | Customer service | Operations | Monitoring, evaluation + learning
Generating revenue through products and services is a great way to achieve impact sustainably.
However, as with all commercial ventures - no matter how large or small - coming up with a business model that brings in more income than goes out is not easy. The trick is to be nimble, to focus on creating clear value for customers and playing to the strengths of the operators and local market conditions.
Our process may include:
Business model creation
Value proposition design
Strategic positioning
Business plan development
Commercial feasibility assessment
Value-add partnerships
Securing investment
Measuring impact
“Our focus on sustainable livelihoods and conservation enterprises supports many of the SDGs.”
— Emma Pethybridge, Founder